We primped and prepped
For holiday events
That came
Rocked and rolled
Then left so fast –
to the last tree needle swept
I decided to examine where they went
The white Christmas which arrived on cue
Took five when warm winds and rains
Sent snowmen, in a panic, running
Their graveyard of arm litter
Sticking p
In the little snow that remained
Our out-of-town revelers traveled
Once the holidays died
Back home, the phone verified
Their colds, flu and holiday blues
Had hitch-hiked to make new friends
Holiday foods, once so proud
Are now huddled in the cold
Their trip to the disposal
Delayed a day or two
And those festive wrappings and bows?
In the basement, stowed
Or led to the curb, awaiting years
Of breaking down barriers
with new landfill neighbors
The tree, undressed
Was let free, free to be
A green recyclee
But there the trails...begin to fade
Interpretations made
About Christmas,
Hidden in memories diverse,
Left when our visitors Dispersed
And somewhere, misplaced,
Is my taste
For outrageous
Holiday decor
Dennis R. Keefe
February 26, 2009
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Forty minute wait for the next
So on to Marrquette
Pre Christmas ice was
our morning rise surprise.
Awakened to broken trees
and the creeping news,
hour by hour,
of the power of power.
in the lurch,
were left in the throes
of holiday prep.
Driven by winter’s grip
and disabled heaters into the dark
they made their way —
one flashlight there poking about.
No traffic light control
encouraged courtesies,
patience and taking turns.
All in search of
warmth, light,
wi-fi, TV,
refrigeration, the irony
or any
helping hand.
Decorated homes, unable to glow their mystery,
raised the issue of nativity quality without electricity.
One of the lucky spared
we, in the midst of chaos,
somehow kept our balance
and in fact, gained new found power,
winners in the game
of who is the helper
and who the helpee.
Blessed with beds,
couch and floor space availability
we could adopt an open door policy.
Then from the east appeared
chain saws, strong backs and good will
removing neighborhood tree debris.
And uprooted friends,
cooks in need of a kitchen,
willing and able
to spread our table,
snow shovelers and story tellers
lightened and brightened the day.
Long story short, as Christmases go,
this was the best
or at least
among the top two.
Our decorations even thanked us
for their expanded venue.
Christmas, 2013