
Friday, June 29, 2018


Mama, I left my cap
We have to go back
No!  Don’t turn here!

Melt down

Cool mom

Daddy!  Daddy!
Come here!
            What is it?
Just come here!
            Honey, daddy just got home
            Let him relax a minute
No!  No!

Cool daddy

Meme!  Papa!  Let me carry your bags
Cool kid

Ninety degree dusty T-ball
At the park
Won again
Team picture then race for the snacks

Hot team

Ninety-five at Wrigleyville

Hot afternoon
Hot Cubs

Cool moments

Security lady with spritzer
            Take off your glasses
Fifth inning third baseline shade
Meme!  Papa!  Let me get the door

Dancing, tumbling
Sequined makeup
Hot chick
Big recital

Same chick teaching the youngest 
Paying off
Banking it

Hot prospect

31st Street Beach
Not a cloud in the sky
Near nineties
Lake front cooled
Beautiful beach with playground

Hot ideas for the future

Mikeski:  Please pass the hot sauce

Really cool at the hockey game

6/9/17 –6/13/17