
Wednesday, March 29, 2023




Olivia came to live with us

and she brought her mommy too

Now we have pretty furniture,

new rugs and a piano – who

do you think is learning

“Doe, a deer, a female deer . . .?”


Olivia came to live with us

and now we’re learning to share

our dog and minivan                 

but we don’t care;

she brought more grandparents

an aunt and uncles.

Fair is fair.               


Olivia came to live with us

and now we can’t sit still

we’ve traded cable for

tennis, swimming,

dance and yoga

         to name a few.

They say it’s all to have some fun

but it makes us sleepy too. 


Olivia came to live with us

and helped us shape our ship

we’ve planted a garden

trimmed the yard 

and generally fixed things up.

We even took a trip

to Disney World

and did it up

real proud.


Olivia came to live with us

now there’s music everywhere

for Livi’s mom sings, plays and teaches at the U. 

She taught us handbells and 

‘Tho we struggle to reach the keys and pedals

we’re learning piano too. 


Olivia came to live with us

I guess our daddy liked her some

because he married her mom.


Dennis R. Keefe

September 6, 2007