
Friday, October 1, 2021



A Poem from the Covid-19 Pandemic

There is a song
“The Saints Go Marching in”
         You probably know it well
         If not, check with a jazzy friend
I listened to it last week on my Covid walk
And it eased my 82-year-old shuffle around the ‘hood
It also got me thinking about things that keep people moving


Christians (not unique, I am sure)
Have always advocated communing  
One mystical body, Christ as the head
The rest of us with our roles to play

Succeeding only in the context of each other

Look it up
The Communion of Saints

Now, Covid activities have gotten me wondering
At a less abstract level
About the communal lives of
Well, …, saints
Those people many of us try to emulate

Do they, as the song suggests, march?
In groups?
With the help of music?

Is this what we should emulate?

It is not for me to know
If saints march
To, fro, or why
But I am looking to them to help us learn
About social distancing 


Can you envision marching saints?

My image is that of Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Bands on parade
Some of them absolutely buoyant
Strutting and weaving down the street
“Saints marching in?”

The saints among us today
         You’ve seen them
         Your neighbors
         Essential workers, maybe
They are pretty active
Maybe even buoyant
Not ones to ponder
They have a vision of the needs of others
And how to respond

Right now

Their message,
Someone cares

What would it take to get me up off the curb  
Instead of just watching others march?

A nice Dixieland beat
Would move my feet

But that cadence is just a start
Rachmaninoff’s surging melodies
Have infused me with energy
And let me forget the soreness in my hips and knees

The message
Get started and keep going

I have listened to other music, walking
Dave Brubeck, Offenbach, Chopin etudes
Each so different from the rest
But they all adjusted my attitude
And spiced my walk with a little zest

My take
Learn to enjoy moving

Imagine being in a parade

You may march to a less musical drummer
But if you let me join you
I can lag behind
Maintain some distance
So as not to slow you down

There is another group of saints

Those who acted saintly here and then passed on
Who knows what their “life” is like “up there?”
We can hope there is some celebrating
Enjoying a just reward
Dancing, maybe
Weaving down some celestial street

Pause for a lighter moment
A saint wearing a party hat
Poking through a halo
Ponder that
Harps and choirs?
I think not

Not your take on heaven?
But just saying
Communing with others over a shared purpose
May create a parade

Take your places!  Eyes right!  Give me six feet!
And let's step out with pride

So, ... , where do we go?
Care-givers, I am told
Should prepare for anywhere
If you need specifics
Turn on the tv

A test for your theological imagination
How much random wandering occurs in heaven?
Or how much random wandering gets people into heaven?
The saying suggests, it takes a village to get you to that home
But I want to know about my village
Does someone here have a metronome?


Happy 109th birthday, mom.

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